Monday, April 15, 2013

New Skimboard Blanks in Stock

Skimboard Blanks are back in Stock.  You can order a rectangle blank with a rocker in the front and back or order a cut blank that is just about ready to glass.  You juset need to finish the rails, apply art then glass.

Let us know if you need a blank


  1. Yes, we will ship Globally. You pay the actual shipping cost.

    We have boards and kits ready to go.

    see the blog for some new pictures of the kits

    thanks for looking.


  2. Replies
    1. Sorry for the delay. We can pre cut the shape for you. We can pre cut rockers in the front or back or both, we can pre cut the rockers and the shape.

      or we can sell a flat sheet.

      let us know.


      follow us also on instagram

